Yoshlar bilan ishlash, ma’naviyat va ma’rifat bo’limi
(Dush - Shanba)
Temiryo'lchilar ko’chasi 1.

Biz zo’ravonlikka qarshimiz


📌 «Biz zo’ravonlikka qarshimiz» mavzusida master-klass o’tkazildi.

⚡️ Kecha Qurilish muhandisligi fakulteti talaba-qizlari ishtirokida «Biz zo’ravonlikka qarshimiz» mavzusida tadbir o’tkazildi. Tadbirda fakultet talabalari, Xotin-qizlar masalalari bo’yicha maslahat kengash raisi F.I. Mamurova, “Ko’priklar va tonnellar” kafedrasi katta o’qituvchisi Y.T. Xakimova, Xotin-qizlar ishlari bo’yicha dekan maslahatchisi M. Sadullayeva, psixolog R. Baratova va fakultet tyutori Sh. Xamudullayevlar tomonidan «Biz zo’ravonlikka qarshimiz» mavzusida davra suhbati tashkillashtirildi. Tadbirni F.I. Mamurova boshlab berdi. Suhbat davomida ayollarni turmushda, ish joylarida va ta’lim muassasalarida taz’yiq va zo’ravonliklardan himoya qilishga qaratilgan qonun loyihasini tanishtirildi. R. Baratova o’z so’zida qizlarga zo’ravonlik tatijasida kelib chiqadigan turli xil salbiy oqibatlar haqida gapirib berdi va turli qiziqarli treninglar bilan boyitdi.

📆 Event of the Faculty of Civil Engineering on October 26, 2022. An event was held on the theme. «We are against violence». At the event, students of the faculty, the chairperson of the advisory council on women’s issues F.I. Mamurova, the senior teacher of the «Bridges and tunnels» department Y.T. Khakimova, the adviser to the dean on women’s affairs M. Sadullayeva, the university psychologist R. Baratova and faculty tutor Sh. Khamudullayev. A roundtable discussion was organized on the topic «We are against violence». The event was opened by F.I. Mamurova. During the conversation, the draft law aimed at protecting women from harassment and violence in marriage, workplaces and educational institutions was introduced. In her speech, psychologist R. Baratova told girls about the various negative consequences of violence and enriched it with various interesting trainings.

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